General Customer Complaint
Process Information
Take advantage of a variety of methods to share unsatisfactory service or concerns as we strive to always provide you with service excellence.

General Customer Complaint
Process Information
Take advantage of a variety of methods to share unsatisfactory service or concerns as we strive to always provide you with service excellence.
General Consumer and Business Customer Complaints
At NDBT, we value our customers and are committed to providing excellent service at all times. If, in the unlikely event, you experience unsatisfactory service or have other concerns related to NDBT, please contact us immediately. We welcome the opportunity to respond and provide the following options for your convenience in contacting NDBT:
How to Make a Complaint
NDBT has a variety of tools available to voice a general consumer or business complaint, including our online General Customer Complaint Form. Please select the option that best fits your choice of communication and we will respond accordingly.
By Phone:
(972) 716-7100
By Mail:
Attn: Customer Service
12900 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230
Attn: Loan Operations Department
12900 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230
Credit Report Disputes
NDBT may report information regarding your credit accounts with us to consumer reporting agencies and we make every effort to provide accurate information. If we inadvertently report any inaccurate information about your account(s) to a consumer reporting agency, please notify us by completing the Consumer Dispute Form.
Consumer Complaint Notice
In Person/Mail
1601 N Lamar Blvd, Suite 300
Austin, TX 78705-4294
Phone: 877.276.5554
Fax: 512.475.1313