Security Guide
Become your own greatest asset.
In a world where technology is constantly progressing, there are many opportunities for malicious forces to take advantage of you. At NDBT, we believe you can become your own greatest asset in protecting your finances when you partner with our Authentic Intelligence.

Security Guide
Become your own greatest asset.
In a world where technology is constantly progressing, there are many opportunities for malicious forces to take advantage of you. At NDBT, we believe you can become your own greatest asset in protecting your finances when you partner with our Authentic Intelligence.
Avoid Identity Theft
Identity theft is a crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.
There are simple and effective measures you can take to protect yourself from identity theft:
Do not give out financial information such as your checking account, credit card number or your Social Security Number unless you know and trust the organization that is asking for the information.
Schedule transaction and balance alerts which can serve as an early warning system for unauthorized transactions. Notifications can be sent via email or text message when your account drops below a predetermined balance or when a transaction exceeds a certain amount.
Report lost or stolen checks immediately to the bank at (972) 716-7100 so we can block access to your account and protect your money.
Notify us immediately about suspicious phone calls or emails purporting to be from the bank, especially those instructing you to “unblock your debit card,” “verify a statement” or to “redeem a prize.” Some emails may even include the bank’s logo. If you are uncertain about the legitimacy of an email or phone call, contact us at (972) 716-7100.
Identity Theft
Notify the bank immediately, complete an Identity Theft Affidavit at the Federal Trade Commission website and contact the three major credit reporting agencies below.
(800) 685-1111 |
(888) 397-3742 |
(800) 888-4213 |
Protect your debit card, ATM card and PIN numbers – do not give your cards to anyone you do not know or to a merchant you do not trust. Never give your PIN to anyone!.
Do not overshare personal information on social networking sites – If you post too much information about yourself, an identity thief can find information about your life and use it to answer “challenge” questions on your accounts. Consider limiting access to your networking page to a small group of people. Never post your full name, Social Security Number, address, phone number or account numbers in publicly accessible sites.
Shred any financial documents such as credit card offers and old bank statements using a cross-cut paper shredder.
Do not place mail in the mailbox in front of our house – Use a secure Postal Service Collection Box for outgoing mail.
If your regular bills fail to reach you immediately call the company to report the problem. You may want to move all of your bills to electronic delivery.
If you notice unusual charges on a credit card statement or other bill do not ignore them. Call the company that sent the bill immediately, so they can investigate and prevent any possible fraud.
Destroy the labels on prescription bottles before you throw them out – Don’t share your health plan information with anyone who offers free health services or products.
Consider opting out of prescreened offers of credit and insurance by mail – You can opt out for five years or permanently. To opt out, call (888) 567-8688 or go to
Take advantage of your free annual credit report by visiting or calling (877) 322-8228.

ATM Security Tips
NDBT is concerned with the safety of our valued customers.
With that in mind, NDBT asks that you exercise the following basic safety precautions when using unmanned ATMs:
Safeguard your card
- Treat your card like cash – protect it at all times.
- Memorize your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Do not write it on your card or anything else in your wallet.
- Do not give out your card or your PIN information over the phone.
- Report a lost or stolen card immediately by calling 1-800-523-4175.
- Minimize time spent at the ATM by having your card out and ready to use.
- Take your receipt with you. Do not leave it near the ATM.
- Check your receipts against your monthly statement and report any discrepancies immediately.
Drive-up ATM safety
- Keep your engine running, doors locked and windows up while waiting to use the ATM.
- Leave enough room between your car and the one ahead of you in line in case you need to leave quickly.
- Look around before you roll down your window.
- Cancel your transaction and drive away if you see anyone or anything suspicious.
- Leave as soon as your transaction is complete.
- If you are being followed after completing your transaction, drive to a crowded, well-lit area and call the police immediately.
Walk-up ATM safety
- Look around as you approach the ATM. Walk away if you notice anything suspicious.
- If the ATM is obstructed from view or poorly lit, go to another machine.
- If possible, take a companion along when using an ATM, especially at night.
- Do not use an ATM that looks unusual or offers unfamiliar options.
- Be aware of anyone attempting to look over your shoulder as you enter your PIN.
- Shield the keypad so that anyone waiting to use the ATM cannot see you enter your PIN or transaction amount.
- Do not count your cash at the ATM or in public view. Wait until you are in your car or another secure place.
Online Security Tips
Protect your information by using the following practices to help reduce online threats:

Password security
- Create a private, complex and secure password. Never use birth dates, first names, family names, pet names, addresses, phone numbers or Social Security numbers. Always use a combination of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers and symbols.
- Change your passwords regularly.
- Never use the same password for Online Banking that you use for other applications.
- Never share your passwords with anyone.
- Never say your password aloud.
- Never save passwords on your computer or leave written notes with your password on or near your computer.
- Never use the “remember my ID and password” option on your computer.
- Always sign off or log out from your online banking session or any other website that you’ve logged into using a user ID and password.
Computer or laptop security
- When possible, use a stand-alone PC for all online banking. No email or Internet browsing should occur on this PC.
- Always log off of your online banking session and close your browser.
- Protect your computer with a password to keep your files and personal information safe in the event that your computer is accessed or taken.
- Password protect the files you save on your computer to provide another layer of security, especially files such as account statements or loan paperwork.
- Use a password different from your computer password or Online Banking password.
- Control physical access to your computer and laptop.
- When a computer is not in use, shut it down or disconnect it from the Internet.
- Be cautious when using public hotspots and consider your Wi-Fi auto-connect settings.
- Practice safe browsing:
- Do not download freeware or shareware; these programs often contain spyware or malicious applications.
- Do not click on links or buttons in pop-up advertisement windows.
- Use a pop-up blocker.
Mobile security
- Protect your mobile device with a password to keep your personal information safe in the event that your mobile device is accessed or taken.
- Always lock your mobile device when it is not in use.
- Set your mobile device to automatically lock after being idle for a set amount of time.
- Delete text messages from financial institutions after you have read them and before sharing, discarding or selling your mobile device.
- Always download apps from reputable sources.
- If your mobile device is lost or stolen, follow the steps of your mobile provider to report it lost or stolen and to wipe data from the device.
Virus/Firewall management
- Install well-known virus management software on your computer and/or mobile devices; use and update it regularly.
- Be cautious when downloading and running programs or Java or ActiveX applets, as they may contain unsecure data.
- Use a personal firewall to prevent intruders from compromising your computer and/or mobile device. Every computer system connected to the Internet is at risk of an attack by an unauthorized intruder. Personal firewalls serve as a protective barrier between your computer or mobile device and this risk. Personal firewalls can be either hardware or software and are a big part of improving the security on your computer and/or mobile device.
Computer software
- Understand and use the security features provided by your computer software, such as those included in operating systems, browsers and word processing systems.
- Ensure that your browser uses the most secure encryption available and be aware of the level of encryption used when you connect to various sites and applications. For example, our Online Banking currently requires the use of 128-bit encryption.
- Remove any dangerous or harmful files from your computer as suggested by your antivirus software.
- Only use software from reliable and well-known vendors.
- Ensure you stay current with the latest release and patch levels of any software you use.
Email tips
- NDBT will not send you emails or texts requesting personal information, such as account numbers, Social Security Numbers, debit card numbers or PINs. If you receive an emails or texts purporting to be from the bank, contact us immediately.
- Do not open attachments unless you are expecting it or are absolutely sure you know what it contains. This is true even if it appears to have come from a friend, co-worker or the bank. Use caution with any email from a sender that doesn’t contain a personalized message or utilizes generic messages such as “check this out” or “thought you’d be interested in this.”
- Do not let curiosity wreak havoc on your computer. Call the sender to make sure any suspicious email is legitimate before you open the attachment or click on any links within the email.
- Do not provide your email address to third party websites without reading their privacy and security policies and terms and conditions to ensure you understand the circumstances in which your email address will be used.
- If you suspect your computer or mobile device has a virus, here are some tips you may want to consider:
- Make sure your antivirus software has the most recent updates. If you aren’t sure, contact the software maker.
- Run a complete scan using your updated antivirus software.
- As suggested by your antivirus software, remove any dangerous or harmful files from your computer.
- Change your email password.
- Change your Online Banking Access ID and Passcode. Contact our Customer Service Department at (972) 716-7100 for assistance.
- Contact any other financial companies that you do business with online to notify them of any potential problems.
Protect Yourself Against Phishing
NDBT takes the security of your accounts and personal information very seriously. The Federal Trade Commission has warned consumers about “phishing” scams that use fraudulent emails, pop-up advertisements and phony websites to trick people into providing confidential personal information.
In a common phishing scam, individuals receive email messages that appear to come from the bank. These messages may look authentic and may even include the bank’s logo. These messages usually describe a situation that requires immediate action and state that your accounts may be terminated unless you verify your account information immediately by clicking on a provided link.
This kind of fraudulent email activity is increasing. Many of these messages contain viruses known as “Trojan Horse” programs, which are designed to record your keystrokes. These emails can also direct you to a counterfeit website that appears to be genuine.
Avoid Email Fraud
Protect your accounts and personal information from fraudulent online activity:
- If you do not recognize the sender of an email, delete the email without opening it.
- Be suspicious of any email that asks for personal information, requests your authentication or indicates a problem with your NDBT accounts. If you receive an email like this, do not reply to the email. Call Customer Service to verify the legitimacy of the email.
- NDBT does not send unsolicited emails requesting personal information. If you have not initiated the conversation with the bank, do not respond with any personal information.
- Use virus protection software and keep the virus lists current.
- Keep your computer operating system and web browser up-to-date.
If you believe you have received a suspicious email claiming to be from NDBT, call Customer Service:
If you entered personal information in response to a suspicious email, contact us immediately.